Afterword—November 2022

By Calvin Trampleasure, 2023

Something Unpredictable

It was my goal to become “number 1” on the WCCUSD seniority list, there are about 1,600 teachers on the list. I enjoyed teaching until my final day, June 8, 2022.

The 2021-22 year was my final year teaching in WCCUSD. After my January 6, 2022 Kaiser Hospital surgery to remove the large tumor from my side, I did return to teach kindergarten March-June 8. After a second surgery on June 22 to remove more of the aggressive cancer, I decided not to start the school year in August 2022. I was not ready to retire yet however, being in the top 10 on the seniority list was not enough. A long-term substitute teacher, Ms. Bauer, started the year for me, and other substitutes finished up the year.

However, as the school year reached November, and I had gone through three treatments of chemo for the remaining sarcoma, I realized my health was most important. I needed to retire and really take it easy, so the sarcoma would not have the chance to return yet again. I was still very tired and sleeping and resting to heal. A macrobiotic diet, a more relaxed life and a positive attitude would extend my life, and it was time to leave a rewarding profession. Teaching takes so much energy and I needed to direct that energy to prolonging my life.

So, it was unpredictable teaching two decades of physical education, and I would have never guessed teaching kindergarten for 12 years. Along the way, I met some amazing people. In the end, I had the most rewarding time of my life.


In addition to the friends, administrators, teachers, and students mentioned herein, these chapters would not have reached your eyes were it not for two important people. My bother Lee helped me to set aside my Luddite inclinations, and used his tech skills to build and style this website. And my wife Cindy for her patience, encouragement, and editing prowess.

Chapter 7: Kindergarten Years, Extended Day K

2 thoughts on “Afterword—November 2022

  1. What an amazingly influential life! I wish my WCCUSD had intersected with Calvin’s. An amazing person and a rich adventurous life!

  2. Thank you very much for the story of your life. We never met but my daughter goes to Madera. She would have loved being in your class and I think you would have loved having her.

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